Results for 'C. Dickerman Williams'

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  1.  35
    The Case of Brother Fox: Immunity Procedures in the Treatment of Terminally Ill Incompetent Patients.C. Dickerman Williams - 1980 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 8 (4):11-13.
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  2. Moral outrage porn.C. Thi Nguyen & Bekka Williams - 2020 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 18 (2):147-72.
    We offer an account of the generic use of the term “porn”, as seen in recent usages such as “food porn” and “real estate porn”. We offer a definition adapted from earlier accounts of sexual pornography. On our account, a representation is used as generic porn when it is engaged with primarily for the sake of a gratifying reaction, freed from the usual costs and consequences of engaging with the represented content. We demonstrate the usefulness of the concept of generic (...)
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    From Social Justice to Criminal Justice: Poverty and the Administration of Criminal Law.William C. Heffernan & John Kleinig (eds.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The economically deprived come into contact with the criminal court system in disproportionate number. This collection of original, interactive essays, written from a variety of ideological perspectives, explores some of the more troubling questions and ethical dilemmas inherent in this situation. The contributors, including well-known legal and political philosophers Philip Pettit, George Fletcher, and Jeremy Waldron, examine issues such as heightened vulnerability, indigent representation, and rotten social background defenses.
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    William Larkin: Icons of Splendour.Roy C. Strong & William Larkin - 1995
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    An illusion of length.C. E. Seashore & Mabel C. Williams - 1900 - Psychological Review 7 (6):592-599.
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    Effects of size of ring on backward masking of a disk by a ring.Kathy C. Kao & William N. Dember - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (1):15-17.
  7.  21
    Francis Palmer Clarke 1895 - 1976.Milton C. Nahm & William E. Campbell - 1977 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 50 (6):570 - 571.
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  8. The SNePS Family.Stuart C. Shapiro & William J. Rapaport - 1992 - Computers and Mathematics with Applications 23:243-275.
    SNePS, the Semantic Network Processing System 45, 54], has been designed to be a system for representing the beliefs of a natural-language-using intelligent system (a \cognitive agent"). It has always been the intention that a SNePS-based \knowledge base" would ultimatelybe built, not by a programmeror knowledge engineer entering representations of knowledge in some formallanguage or data entry system, but by a human informing it using a natural language (NL) (generally supposed to be English), or by the system reading books or (...)
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  9. Generative Entrenchment and Evolution.Jeffrey C. Schank & William C. Wimsatt - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:33 - 60.
    The generative entrenchment of an entity is a measure of how much of the generated structure or activity of a complex system depends upon the presence or activity of that entity. It is argued that entities with higher degrees of generative entrenchment are more conservative in evolutionary changes of such systems. A variety of models of complex structures incorporating the effects of generative entrenchment are presented and we demonstrate their relevance in analyzing and explaining a variety of developmental and evolutionary (...)
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    . A Treatise on the Accentuation of the Twenty-One So-Called Prose Books of the Old Testament, with a Facsimile of a Page of the Codex Assigned to Ben Asher in Aleppo.C. A. & William Wickes - 1888 - American Journal of Philology 9 (1):103.
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    Some contributions of ethology for education.William C. Charlesworth & William M. Bart - 1976 - Educational Studies 7 (3):258-272.
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  12. Spatial visualization and sex‐related differences in science achievement.Ann C. Howe & William Doody - 1989 - Science Education 73 (6):703-709.
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  13. Models and minds.Stuart C. Shapiro & William J. Rapaport - 1991 - In Robert C. Cummins, Philosophy and AI: Essays at the Interface. Cambridge: MIT Press. pp. 215--259.
    Cognitive agents, whether human or computer, that engage in natural-language discourse and that have beliefs about the beliefs of other cognitive agents must be able to represent objects the way they believe them to be and the way they believe others believe them to be. They must be able to represent other cognitive agents both as objects of beliefs and as agents of beliefs. They must be able to represent their own beliefs, and they must be able to represent beliefs (...)
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    The Egosyntonic Nature of Anorexia: An Impediment to Recovery in Anorexia Nervosa Treatment.Eva C. Gregertsen, William Mandy & Lucy Serpell - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Classical eyelid conditioning as a function of sustained and shifted interstimulus intervals.Harvey C. Ebel & William F. Prokasy - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (1):52.
  16. Child assent and parental permission in pediatric research.Wilma C. Rossi, William Reynolds & Robert M. Nelson - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (2):131-148.
    Since children are considered incapable ofgiving informed consent to participate inresearch, regulations require that bothparental permission and the assent of thepotential child subject be obtained. Assent andpermission are uniquely bound together, eachserving a different purpose. Parentalpermission protects the child from assumingunreasonable risks. Assent demonstrates respectfor the child and his developing autonomy. Inorder to give meaningful assent, the child mustunderstand that procedures will be performed,voluntarily choose to undergo the procedures,and communicate this choice. Understanding theelements of informed consent has been theparadigm for (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Model selection, simplicity, and scientific inference.Wayne C. Myrvold & William L. Harper - 2002 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2002 (3):S135-S149.
    The Akaike Information Criterion can be a valuable tool of scientific inference. This statistic, or any other statistical method for that matter, cannot, however, be the whole of scientific methodology. In this paper some of the limitations of Akaikean statistical methods are discussed. It is argued that the full import of empirical evidence is realized only by adopting a richer ideal of empirical success than predictive accuracy, and that the ability of a theory to turn phenomena into accurate, agreeing measurements (...)
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    Beyond the Meme.Alan C. Love & William Wimsatt - 2019 - Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press.
    Contributors: Sabina Leonelli Nancy J. Nersessian Michel Janssen Jacob G. Foster James A. Evans Mark A. Bedau Marshall Abrams Gilbert B. Tostevin Salikoko S. Mufwene Massimo Maiocchi Joseph D. Martin Paul E. Smaldino Claes Andersson Anton Törnberg Petter Törnberg Beyond the Meme assembles interdisciplinary perspectives on cultural evolution, providing a nuanced understanding of it as a process in which dynamic structures interact on different scales of size and time. The volume demonstrates how a thick understanding of change in culture emerges (...)
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  19. Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier.Etienne C. Wenger & William M. Snyder - 2006 - In Laurence Prusak & Eric Matson, Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning: A Reader. Oxford University Press.
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    Invoking Thomas Kuhn: What citation analysis reveals about science education.Cathleen C. Loving & William W. Cobern - 2000 - Science & Education 9 (1-2):187-206.
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    Frege’s Horizontal.William C. Heck & William G. Lycan - 1979 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):479 - 492.
    Frege begins his exposition of the symbol system employed in his Begriffsschrift by introducing the sign ⟝, whereby, he says, “[a] judgment is always to be expressed”.[The judgment sign] stands to the left of the sign or complex of signs in which the content of the judgment is given. If we omit the little stroke at the left of the horizontal stroke, then the judgment is to be transformed into a mere complex of ideas; the author is not expressing his (...)
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    Domains and image schemas.Timothy C. Clausner & William Croft - 1999 - Cognitive Linguistics 10 (1):1-31.
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    Identification of emotional facial expressions among behaviorally inhibited adolescents with lifetime anxiety disorders.Bethany C. Reeb-Sutherland, Lela Rankin Williams, Kathryn A. Degnan, Koraly Pérez-Edgar, Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Ellen Leibenluft, Daniel S. Pine, Seth D. Pollak & Nathan A. Fox - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (2):372-382.
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    Productivity and Schematicity in Metaphors.Timothy C. Clausner & William Croft - 1997 - Cognitive Science 21 (3):247-282.
    The theory of metaphor proposed by Lakoff and Johnson (1980a, 1980b) and Lakoff (1993) involves a mapping of conceptual structure from one semantic domain to another. We investigate properties of these conceptual domain mappings by comparing them to morphological derivational relations. Schematicity and productivity are properties that Bybee (1985) and Langacker (1987) propose for characterizing morphological derivational relations, which we apply to our analysis of metaphor. Metaphors are argued to vary in their degree of semantic schematicity: Domain relations function as (...)
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    Wrongs, harms, and compensation: paying for our mistakes.Gregory C. Keating William T. Dalessi Professor of Law & U. S. C. Gould School of Law Philosophy - forthcoming - Jurisprudence:1-6.
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  26. Music and Worship in the Church.Austin C. Lovelace & William C. Rice - 1960
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    Pictures, words, and the structure of the trace in immediate recall.Michael C. King & William Bevan - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (3):155-157.
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    Nonsmokers-only hiring policies: personal liberty vs. promoting public health.Wendell C. Taylor & William J. Winslade - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (4):359-373.
    ABSTRACT There is a fierce debate about nonsmokers-only hiring policies, also referred to as no-nicotine hiring policies and “tobacco free” hiring policies. The favorable outcomes of no-nicotine hiring policies include reduced health costs, improved worker productivity, enhanced organizational image, and symbolic messaging. The unfavorable consequences of such policies include violating personal liberty, risking a “slippery slope” to other health-compromising behaviors, exacerbating socio-economic disparities, and discriminating against smokers. No-nicotine hiring policies have not been adequately evaluated and a new approach is warranted. (...)
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    Charles Johnson: the novelist as philosopher.Marc C. Conner & William R. Nash (eds.) - 2007 - Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
    The essays explore virtually all of Johnson's writings: each of his novels, his numerous short stories, the range of his nonfiction essays, his many book ...
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    Wicked Pleasures: Meditations on the Seven "Deadly" Sins.Robert C. Solomon, William Gass, Don Herzog, William Miller, Jerry Neu, James Ogilvy, Thomas Pynchon & Elizabeth Spelman - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The seven deadly sins have provided gossip, amusement, and the plots of morality plays for nearly fifteen hundred years. In Wicked Pleasures, well-known philosopher, business ethicist, and admitted sinner Robert C. Solomon brings together a varied group of contributors for a new look at the old catalogue of sins. Solomon introduces the sins as a group, noting their popularity and pervasiveness. From the formation of the canon by Pope Gregory the Great, the seven have survived the sermonizing of the Reformation, (...)
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    The Archaeology of Palestine.C. C. McCown & William Foxwell Albright - 1950 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 70 (2):114.
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    Words and Sentences Over Time: How Facts Are Built and Sustained in a Specialty Area.Nicholas C. Mullins, William E. Snizek & Kay Oehler - 1989 - Science, Technology and Human Values 14 (3):258-274.
    This article uses computerized analysis of text, along with a close reading of text, to trace change and development in Burkitt's lymphoma research. While past researchers have focused on the way a text enters the literature, we wish to learn what happens to knowledge claims after they arrive in the published literature. In order to explain why some claims are successfully solidified into facts while others remain as isolated, unsupported claims, we rely upon the notion of the material and social (...)
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    Effect of successive addition of stimulus elements on paired-associate learning.Sam C. Brown, William F. Battig & Richard Pearlstein - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (1):87.
  34.  42
    Theories of ecosystem ecology.Ingrid C. Burke & William K. Lauenroth - 2011 - In Samuel M. Scheiner & Michael R. Willig, The theory of ecology. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 243.
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  35. The Tarasoff Duty to Protect : Unintended Consequences and New Liability Concerns.Alexander C. Sones, William C. Darby & Robert Weinstock - 2025 - In William Connor Darby & Robert Weinstock, Forensic neuropsychiatric ethics: balancing competing duties in and out of court. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
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    Memory and identification of simulated odors in elderly and young persons.Joseph C. Stevens, William S. Cain & Annick Demarque - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (4):293-296.
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    Government scientific policy and the growth of the British economy.C. F. Carter & B. R. Williams - 1964 - Minerva 3 (1):114-125.
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    Magnitude of ucr as a function of variability in the cs-ucs relationship.Shirley C. Peeke & William W. Grings - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (1):64.
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    Language Variation in South Asia.Michael C. Shapiro & William Bright - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (1):151.
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    An Introduction to Ethics for Business PeopleMaking the Right Decision: Ethics for Managers.David C. Smith & William D. Hall - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (1):157.
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    Effects of stimulus concreteness-imagery and arousal on immediate and delayed recall.John C. Schmitt & William E. Forrester - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (1):25-26.
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    The role of charge density waves in structural transformations of 1T TaS2.C. B. Scruby, P. M. Williams & G. S. Parry - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 31 (2):255-274.
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    Allocating Resources: The Case of Hypertension.Milton C. Weinstein & William B. Stason - 1977 - Hastings Center Report 7 (5):24-29.
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    Tool use in profoundly retarded humans: A method of subgrouping.Charles C. Cleland, William V. Rago & Ajit Mukherjee - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (1):86-88.
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    An electron microscopy study of intercalation in transition metal dichalcogenides.C. B. Carter & P. M. Williams - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 26 (2):393-398.
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    Isospin and deformation studies in the odd-odd N = Z nucleus Co-54.D. Rudolph, L. -L. Andersson, R. Bengtsson, J. Ekman, O. Erten, C. Fahlander, E. K. Johansson, I. Ragnarsson, C. Andreoiu, M. A. Bentley, M. P. Carpenter, R. J. Charity, R. M. Clark, P. Fallon, A. O. Macchiavelli, W. Reviol, D. G. Sarantites, D. Seweryniak, C. E. Svensson & S. J. Williams - unknown
    High-spin states in the odd-odd N = Z nucleus Co-54 have been investigated by the fusion-evaporation reaction Si-28(S-32,1 alpha 1p1n)Co-54. Gamma-ray information gathered with the Ge detector array Gammasphere was correlated with evaporated particles detected in the charged particle detector system Microball and a 1 pi neutron detector array. A significantly extended excitation scheme of Co-54 is presented, which includes a candidate for the isospin T = 1, 6(+) state of the 1f(7/2)(-2) multiplet. The results are compared to large-scale shell-model (...)
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    Altered choroid plexus gene expression in major depressive disorder.Cortney A. Turner, Robert C. Thompson, William E. Bunney, Alan F. Schatzberg, Jack D. Barchas, Richard M. Myers, Huda Akil & Stanley J. Watson - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Structural studies of pyridine-intercalated tantalum disulphide.G. S. Parry, C. B. Scruby & P. M. Williams - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (3):601-612.
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  49. “Microbiota, symbiosis and individuality summer school” meeting report.Isobel Ronai, Gregor P. Greslehner, Federico Boem, Judith Carlisle, Adrian Stencel, Javier Suárez, Saliha Bayir, Wiebke Bretting, Joana Formosinho, Anna C. Guerrero, William H. Morgan, Cybèle Prigot-Maurice, Salome Rodeck, Marie Vasse, Jacqueline M. Wallis & Oryan Zacks - 2020 - Microbiome 8:117.
    How does microbiota research impact our understanding of biological individuality? We summarize the interdisciplinary summer school on "Microbiota, Symbiosis and Individuality: Conceptual and Philosophical Issues" (July 2019), which was supported by a European Research Council starting grant project "Immunity, DEvelopment, and the Microbiota" (IDEM). The summer school centered around interdisciplinary group work on four facets of microbiota research: holobionts, individuality, causation, and human health. The conceptual discussion of cutting-edge empirical research provided new insights into microbiota and highlights the value of (...)
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    Pausological aspects of children’s narratives.Mary R. Bassett, Daniel C. O’Connell & William J. Monahan - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (3):166-168.
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